Building A Simple OpenAI Powered Personal Assistant

This blog post covers building a basic semantic search over a pdf document using OpenAI API and Python.

Heap Two Writeup - Exploit Education Lab Exercise

A comprehensive writeup that helps to understand Heap Two exercise heap buffer overflow and Use-After-Free (UAF) vulnerability with learning resources.

Heap One Writeup - Exploit Education Lab Exercise

A comprehensive writeup that helps to understand Heap One exercise heap buffer overflow vulnerability with learning resources.

Heap Zero Writeup - Exploit Education Lab Exercise

A comprehensive writeup that helps to understand Heap Zero exercise heap buffer overflow vulnerability with learning resources.

Format Four Writeup - Exploit Education Lab Exercise

A comprehensive writeup that helps to understand format-four exercise - format string vulnerability with learning resources.

Format Three Writeup - Exploit Education Lab Exercise

A comprehensive writeup that helps to understand format-three exercise - format string vulnerability with learning resources.

Format Two Writeup - Exploit Education Lab Exercise

A comprehensive writeup that helps to understand format-two exercise - format string vulnerability with learning resources.

Format One Writeup - Exploit Education Lab Exercise

A comprehensive writeup that helps to understand format one exercise format string vulnerability with learning resources.

CVE-2023-23397 - Zero Click Net-NTLMv2 Credential Hash Leak on Outlook Client

A comprehensive writeup that helps to understand Zero Click Net-NTLMv2 Credential Hash on Outlook Client.

HackTheBox Active Writeup - Active Directory - OSCP Practice

A comprehensive writeup on HackTheBox Active VM which helps learn and practice for OSCP Active Directory Track.